Saturday, September 17, 2022

A New Adventure! France, Here I Come!

April 20, 2014 Sunday
le 20 avril 2014, dimanche

Joyeuses Pâques! Happy Easter!

I should feel excited today, but it hasn't hit me yet.  Today is a special day, yes, it is Easter, but for me (and Cindy), it's our departure day for our 3-month adventure in France! We are grateful that Chef Christophe is willing to bring us along with the 20 something George Brown Chef School pastry (and cuisine) students to the 2-week pastry program in Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie (ENSP) in Yssingeaux, France.  After that, we might have the opportunity to 'stage' for 2 months at a restaurant called La Cuisine d'Antoine in Millery, Lyon.  Then, we are planning to travel France for 2 weeks before heading back to Toronto.

If you are up for a ride, please join my journey by visiting this blog!

Before it begins, I want to show my gratitude to those who prepared me for this journey!
Thanks to: My family, Muriel, Chef Christophe, Chef Jocelyn, Chef Hervé, Mandy, James, Lynda, Jenn, and Alex (Cuvelier).

Oh, I don't know how the internet service situation is gonna be like in France for me.  I will do my best to update this blog and post pictures.  It could be a weekly thing instead of daily.

For those who pray, please pray for my safety, health, and my FRENCH, thanks! :-)

Thanks Mandy driving us to the airport.  This trip, we have Chef Christophe Measson, Chef Amede Lamarche, Chef Jennifer Lakan-D'Souza, and Chef Joanne Yolles, and 20 plus students.  I don't really know anybody, just hope that it will be a pleasant trip.

Thank God that I already did online check-in at home 24 hours before the departure time.

We arrive at London Heathrow Airport for transfer, but there are few hours to spend before the flight to Lyon, so we eat...

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