Sunday, November 11, 2012

Free Demo Class

Saturday (November 10, 2012)
Free Demo Class: Today, we had a free demo class by Chef Didier Chantefort and Chef Hervé Chabert.  Cuisine Chef Didier demonstrated a Duck with Salsifis and Pomme Darphin dish, and Pastry Chef Hervé made Exotica Christmas Log.
I love duck breast, but the one Chef Didier made today was kind of overcooked for my liking.  Well, I still finished eating the whole tiny plate.  Will I make this dish at home? Mmmm... probably not.  However, the Exotica Christmas Log that Chef Hervé made would be something that I might try at home.  Before doing it, I need to have gelatin leaves, and some fruit puree, also a PVC tube and a special mold for this particular dessert.  Oh, I also need to master my skill for making macarons.  I was so happy that he showed us how to make macarons.  He told us there were many ways to make them, and we would learn different methods in intermediate and in superior programs.  As we all ate it during the demo, I must say it tasted quite good.  It was crunchy outside, and chewy inside.  Just like the ones in Paris.  The only different is that there was no filling from his.

After the demo, Cindy, Cynthia and I went to have lunch with two other classmates from intermediate program.  Since they finished the basic pastry program, we asked them what we needed to know about the final exam.  They also mentioned that some students couldn't present the product and ended up failing the course.  Scary! I guess I will have to organize my notes and start memorizing the recipes starting tomorrow.

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