Monday, November 5, 2012

Week 4 of BP

Workshop#301: It was supposed to be our day off..... but instead, we had a workshop about piping with Chef Jocelyn.  Even though I had done piping before, I admitted that my piping skills suck.  I was glad that Chef had the patience to show us how each design was supposed to be, and how to do it.  And I was glad to learn that we could practice at home with light margarine.  In class, Chef had the buttercream ready for us.  I asked him why we didn't use whipped cream, his reply was whipped cream would deflate.  I once was told by a chef that she practiced piping using toothpaste, it was cheap and reusable.
That's what Chef Jocelyn did, pretty, eh?

Then, Cindy, Cynthia and I had Taiwanese noodle and bubble tea in ByWard Market, and walked around Rideau Centre for a bit.

Movie Night: It's cheaper to watch movie on Tuesday here in Canada.  Cindy, Tanvi, Cynthia, Dina and I took a bus to the theatre and met with Quinn, Erin and Chad.  We watched this scary movie called Sinister.  Was it scary? YES! Cynthia watched it for about 5 minutes, then she had her iPad on.  Yep, too scary for her apparently.  And Tanvi wasn't doing well neither.  She basically closed her eyes whenever the scary scenes came up.  Anyway, I had fun.  I even told them when they got home, there might be a "box" waiting for them.  LOL

Demo Class#7: Today, Chef Jocelyn did Chaussons aux pommel, Pithiviers, Palmiers, Feuillantine, Galettes des rois and Bichons from the puff dough he made last week, and also Millefeuille from other pâte feuilletée.

Practical Class#7: We made Pithivier and Chaussons aux pommes in class.  My Pithivier turned out pretty okay, but of course if I had time to let the dough rest in fridge longer before I cut the edge, it would look even better.  And I filled too much apple compote inside the chaussons aux pommes, the result...... they popped open :-( I did have one looked perfect though.

Demo Class#8: Finally, Chef Jocelyn was doing cakes today.  He showed us how to make Gâteau Forêt Noire, Moka, Mexicain, and Décor au chocolat.

Practical Class#8: We were making only the black forest cake, and chocolate shavings to decorate the cake.  I was happy with the result, the cake turned out great, and I finished fast.  But the only problem Chef mentioned was "not enough syrup", he actually told almost every single one of us the same problem.

After class, I went home then found out later that one of my dogs Diva just passed away in Toronto.  Very sad.  We were worried about Debu who never separated from Diva for a second in his whole life.  Thanks to Mandy and James who managed to bring Diva to the veterinary for cremation.  I posted some pictures of Diva on my blog, she'll be remembered.

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