Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week 10 of BP

December 12, 2012 Wednesday


Demo Class#19: Chef Jocelyn made Paris-Brest and Saint-Honoré.  Saint-Honoré would be a difficult cake to do, it included Pâte brisée, Pâte à choux, Crème Chiboust (Crème pâtissière+Meringue italienne), and Caramel! Good luck in practical class tomorrow!

After class, we filled up the survey, then, each single one of us received a Christmas gift bag from Student Service stuff! We certainly didn't expect that.

December 13, 2012 Thursday
Practical Class#19: Saint-Honoré is one of the most challenge cakes we have even made in class.  I think I did well.  Chef Jocelyn seemed to like the cake, he was happy with the taste and the look, the fact that I finished 10 mins earlier, just tried not to put too much cream in the piping bag.  I even cut one of my whisk for the angel hair (caramel) for the decoration.

Demo Class#20: This is our final demo class with Chef Jocelyn in Basic Pastry.  He showed us how to make Douceur chocolat (included dacqoise hazelnut, crunch, milk chocolate mousse, milk chocolate disk, glaze with cocoa, and chocolate decoration)  It was one of the best chocolate mousse cakes I ever had.  We will be doing it in Intermediate Program.

After that, we went through what would happen during the exam day.  Good luck everyone!

Want to see something/someone weird? There's this girl who always went to get changed toward the end of demo class, but came back for tasting! I thought Chef said we should have full uniform when we were in class?! Apparently, she has some attitude problem.... she also likes to take whatever left over after tasting.... WEIRD!!

December 14, 2012 Friday

There's a shooting killing many children and staff in Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut, USA today.  Please pray for the souls, and everyone alive.

Practical Class#20: Today, we would be doing whatever we chose from the exam list.  I chose Miroir au cassis.  It was more like a mock exam (fake exam) so that we would know what we could expect in the real exam next week.  My Miroir au cassis turned out fine.
 My Miroir au cassis

Cakes from all students

After our practical class, we took a group picture with Chef Jocelyn Bouzenard.  He's just a good chef, very helpful, kind and funny.

Then, we need to clean the table.  Group B and Group C always cleaned and sanitized the table by going around in a circle.... why? well, according to them, it's cleaner.... So I told my group what they did and I said "it's so stupid, eh? Wanna try it?" since it's our last practical class, we, Group A, decided to try it out.... all we agreed on is that... it was fun :-)
Look how Erin was posing while cleaning!

It's Jason's birthday today, Cindy, Cynthia, Dina, Tanvi, Jason and I went to celebrate it in C'est Japon À Suisha.  We had so much fun laughing.  Thanks Jason!

Cynthia made green tea macarons, it goes well with the green tea ice-cream!

During the meal, we found out a breaking news from Tanvi that one of our classmates in Basic Pastry named Adam Picard is charged as a first degree murder suspect.  We were all shocked to hear that.  It explained why we hadn't seen him in class for a week.  According to Jason, Adam seemed like a nice guy who used to serve in the military.  No one knows what's happening, we will have to wait on the news.

December 15, 2012 Saturday
Holiday Desserts: I went to Holiday Desserts Workshop in school today.  I purposely arrived earlier so that I could clean up one of my 2 lockers.  As usual, Cynthia, Cindy and Jason also showed up for the demo.  All students including Andii, some other students, and us made up 50% of the whole class, but it was free for students :-) Chef Instructor today was Chef Jocelyn.  And he made 1) Bûche pabana (Christmas Log) with Crémeux pabana, Biscuit Joconde, Chantilly au chocolat au lait, Glaçage, and Décors au chocolat; 2) Pâte d'amandes (Almond paste); 3) Truffes au Rhum (Rum truffles) I really liked Bûche pabana, especially the chocolate mousse inside.  Almond paste was just sweet.  I wasn't crazy about Rum truffles.

Pray for my exam!!!

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